Eminem Thrives In "Survival"

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Less than 12 hours after its digital release, Eminem's latest video, "Survival," boasts over 196,000 likes. The video features Call of Duty: Ghosts gameplay augmenting a story of the rapper's social mobility. The Real Slim Shady stays true to his roots with a blast from the past, approaching his childhood home in Detroit at the end of the video, to show us that he hasn't changed... he's only survived. Check it out!!

What's more, he's survived amidst multiple worlds: the physical realm and the digital sphere joined. By placing digital contexts like the Web and video games at the center of his marketing strategy, he shows us that he's "not a rapper, he's an adapter." And he shows us how to adapt. We have to perfect the art of multitasking.

The song, produced by DJ Khalil, is taking on many tasks. It premiered about a month ago as part of a trailer for the multiplayer video game Call of Duty: Ghosts. In doing so it showed that Em is excited about being a part of the franchise, connecting himself and his brands to other selves and brands. And it appeals to "the establishing reflex," the tendency we have to notice changes in the world around us. Noticing the changes going on around us, no matter how subtle, is not only a call of duty, it's survival of the fittest. Take a sneak peek at the game below.

Want to learn more? Check out Eminem: The Real Slim Shady!